American Urbanization

Friday, February 5, 2010

Opposing Viewpoint: Pollution

Pollution is a big issue now that global warming is an issue. Pollution causes depreciation of surrounding property values and can cause unwanted noise and smell. Pollution got to be such a big issue because large companies pumped so much polluted waste into the world because it was busy trying to produce as much goods and make as much money as they could that they disregarded the pollution they were putting out into the world. Now, businesses are trying to be "green" and protect the environment. This is obviously helping the surrounding area and whole world by polluting less but doesnt it cost the company a boat load of money? Actually, according to an article in Opposing Viewpoints, "By treating and recycling wastewater for irrigation, fire fighting, and sanitary systems, the company no longer discharges water into the Matamoros sewer system. Company savings in materials and reduced cleanup efforts amount to $1.7 million a year." This company actually saved a ton of money. The fact that this company was thoughtful about what waste they were putting out into the earth really paid off because they made a lot of money off of doing so.

Environmental Protection Agency. "U.S. Factories in Mexico Are Reducing Pollution." Current Controversies: Pollution. Ed. James Haley. San Diego: Greenhaven Press, 2003. Opposing Viewpoints Resource Center. Gale. Deerfield High School. 5 Feb. 2010 .

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