American Urbanization

Monday, February 8, 2010

Pollution Analytical

Urbanization brought great business and enourmous amounts of industries to cities and all over the country. This drastic change in lifestyle and business in America brought new harmful problems; one of which is pollution. Industrial waste has been one of the main proponents of pollution and has been very harmful. This disposal of waste materials is very hazardous because it can do a lot of harm to people. In, Society Must Address the Potential Dangers of E-waste, it explains the danger of a certain type of waste called cathode ray tubes, CRT's, that are used in tv and computer screens. It says, "...CRTs contain a wide range of toxic substances, the most harmful of which is lead, which can cause vomiting, diarrhea, convulsions, coma or even death at high levels of exposure. It can also damage the nervous system and kidneys, cause anemia and promote an increased risk of several types of cancer." Pollution of this and all other types of pollution can be very harmful to all of society. Pollution is very harmful to humans and nature but it can be difficult to put a price on it. We can use a lot of money on stopping pollution but will that money work well and would it work better in other places. In, Environmentalists Overstate the Danger of Industrial Chemicals, it explains the costs of reducing pollution. It says, "Not every regulation is a good investment. For example, for each premature death averted, the regulation that lists petroleum refining sludge as a hazardous waste costs $27.6 million while the rule that does the same for wood preserving chemicals costs $5.7 trillion per death avoided, according to estimates from the Office of Management and Budget." This money has to be paid by someone. The money paid could be going to charities or the poor and could have saved just as many or probably more people than the reduction in deaths due to pollution related causes. It is pretty much impossible to eliminate pollution completely but precautions should be taken to protect people. Even though money could be going better places than pollution, it doesnt mean that it should be overlooked completely. You should try to pollute as little as possible without using too much money. Some businesses actually found it profitable to be more environmentally aware. According to an article in Opposing Viewpoints, "By treating and recycling wastewater for irrigation, fire fighting, and sanitary systems, the company no longer discharges water into the Matamoros sewer system. Company savings in materials and reduced cleanup efforts amount to $1.7 million a year." This company actually saved a ton of money. The fact that this company was thoughtful about what waste they were putting out into the earth really paid off because they made a lot of money from it. Pollution is definately a problem and should be taken care of. However, using enormous amounts of money doing so is inefficient and not worth it.


  1. This entry help provide a lot of information about urbanization and how it affects America. You did a good job with structuring this entry clearly which really showed me and most other readers what your main focus was. Your quotes really helped support your statements you made and gave further clarification. I had only a couple of suggestions. The first one being you said “You should try to pollute as little as possible without using too much money.” By you saying this it really took away from the focus of this entry. You provided your own opinion in an entry that was supposed to be about facts. I am also confused on what exactly this sentence means. I believe if just this one sentence was not there then your entry would have been very good because it stayed focused and presented lots of facts. My other suggestion is that at the end of this entry, it would make it really strong if you brought it together with what is going on now. You make lots of statements about the money pollution causes to be spent but how does that effect America now? Good job!

  2. This post helps broaden my view on pollution. It explains what the dangers are and the effects. But what are some of the things people can do individually to lower pollution. It seems like you started talking about it but then stopped. Over all this entry was informational.
